Art works

Our Art Gallery

Who we are


Meet Karim Dib, the architect behind The Artfather. Fueled by a lifelong passion for art, he brings a touch of sophistication to our curated collection. Discover the blend of architectural precision and artistic flair that defines The Artfather experience, where every piece tells a personal tale, transforming your space into an artistic reflection of your individuality.

Meet Karim Dib, the architect behind The Artfather. Fueled by a lifelong passion for art, he brings a touch of sophistication to our curated collection. Discover the blend of architectural precision and artistic flair that defines The Artfather experience, where every piece tells a personal tale, transforming your space into an artistic reflection of your individuality.

Art works

What our customer said

Hello my order just arrived, i just wanted to tell you the quality is amazing w delivery was very fast Thank you!!


Hii i ordered rose gold and golden lips, first of all I love the details and the colors it fits perfectly in my living room also it only took around 3-4 days to arrive. i will definitely be ordering again thank you!


Hi how are you? Just got my order, I love the quality of the frame and the poster is just wow wow wow thank you so much


The Art Father Lebanon


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